Question: When will the war end?
Channeling response.
Question: When will the war end? Read More »
Continuing from the previous post, a question arose:Can a child, immediately after being born, know and feel that they are given natural and maternal love by default, simply by the right of birth, and that the mother is not the only source of it? Yes, there is a feeling that a child is immediately oriented
Natural maternal love Read More »
Mother is not the only source of maternal love. Moreover, she may not be able to fulfill this role at all or may not want to do so. It’s normal. And you can receive motherly love – through your mom, as much as she can give, and you can receive motherly love through nature and
As soon as I start a diet, there are always reasons to have an unplanned snack or cook something wrong??? My grandmother and mother were overweight, and when I was little, they overfed me and made me eat, saying thank you!
Question: why can’t I lose weight? Read More »
This is a unique work with the human field, where through my or our (with my colleagues) attention, a healing process occurs with the person. We need a request or intention from a person for liberation or change within themselves, and they do not participate physically in the process. We place them in our attention,
What are “light sessions”? Read More »
What is their future like? Ask your question in direct messages or on my website.
Question in the channeling about light sessions Read More »
Channeling response. Ask your question in direct or on the website.
Question: Will Australia go under water? Read More »
What are you relying on? On a partner? On parents? On business? On children? On the state? On religion? The catch is that none of these supports provides any guarantees. And you can invest all your efforts into them, try to control them, manipulate them, but it will be in vain, and sooner or later
Client N: – I am often very categorical, sometimes strong emotions are involved in this, I don’t like it. Right now I feel a scratch in my throat. – What does it look like? This machine gunner sits in a trench and shoots at everything in sight through a narrow window in the wall. Let’s
We think that we are material beings and live in a material world.This is a misconception.But we are quantum beings.This is our true nature. But due to this misconception, we live our lives – 90 or even 100% through matter – through money, relationships, things, objects, constantly directing our attention to this matter. We send
The Quantum Nature of Human Read More »
In my own session a few days ago, the concept of Axiom came up. That is, some rule or law that does not require proof and is assumed to be true. The speech was about Axioms that are embedded in people’s consciousness. For example: money can only be earned through hard work, only with money
Channeling response. You can ask your question in direct messages or on my website.